My blog broke

Had some free time lately and idly wondered to check my largely defunct blog, and broke it. I do not know why the Patricia Johnson theme is in the middle of this blog.

Drafting another post to see if anything changes. Otherwise, may have to wait til the next time block to sort it out.

Edited: now sorted 🙂

1 May 2020

Burned through two of Mhairi McFarlane’s books in two days.  The first, her latest, is If I Never Met You.  Absolutely my kind of fiction.  Nice turn of phrase, clever erudite chick lit.  Total catnip hence quickly looked for another book after reading til 2 am and waking up the next day to finish it as quickly as I can.

book book pages college education
Photo by Victor on

Don’t You Forget About Me punched me in the face.  Started meh.  Five chapters in, I started to enjoy the heroine a little more.  I very consciously decided to give the book a chance because it felt a little Marian Keyes to me.  And true enough, like many MK books, the plot punched me in the face and I read the last 1/3 of the book teary-eyed and light-headed.

Need to take a bit of a break from women’s fiction.  Maybe I should sort through my ebooks and brush up on a bit of nonfiction for work.


Money Diaries – SF Cafe Owner

I enjoy reading Money Diaries and getting that perspective of what people make and how they spend/save/invest their money. Some money diaries are fascinating in that popcorn chuseo kind of way.


This one is inspiring. I, too, would like to believe I have my shit together.  And perhaps compared to the 10-years-ago-me, there is massive improvement.  My life’s not perfect, but it’s becoming good.